Search for Glabraster antarctica returned 12 results.

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  • Section: Biodiversity Science project
  1. Biodiversity Science project: Counting Weddell Seals in Antarctica

    Have your students help scientists count Weddell seals using satellite imagery. Many people think seals on the ice are easy to count. There is no place for them to hide when they are out of the water. They are not afraid of people so don’t run away, and if they are with a pup, the adult stays in the same location for several days. However it is not that easy...

  2. Biodiversity Science project: Mapping Application for Penguin Populations and Projected Dynamics (MAPPPD)

    MAPPPD is a one-stop shop for information on penguin abundance and distribution in the Antarctic that integrates citizen science, expert biological field surveys, and satellite imagery to provide data required for Antarctic decision support and conservation assessment. Tens of thousands of tourists go to Antarctica each year; their observations on the presence and absence of wildlife is critical to informing models of biogeography and our understanding of species range shifts through time...

  3. Biodiversity Science project: Satellites Over Seals (SOS)

    Scientists are asking the public’s help in searching satellite images of Antarctica. This is the first-ever, comprehensive count of Weddell seals. Documenting how the seals’ population numbers change over time will help researchers better understand how climate change and commercial fishing in the Antarctic impact these iconic species.

  4. Biodiversity Science project: Study Adélie Penguin breeding

    From November to January, classrooms take part in a virtual field study of Adélie Penguins as they breed, brood and rear their chicks in Antarctica. Photos of selected penguin families from Cape Royds Antarctica are posted to the website for students to follow on a daily basis. Weather data, event journal and background information about penguins is also provided...

  5. Biodiversity Science project: PenguinWatch

    Penguin Watch is a citizen science website trying to understand the lives of penguins. We want you to help us mark images taken from nesting sites around Antarctica.

  6. Biodiversity Science project: FjordPhyto

    FjordPhyto is a project gathering information on the community of phytoplankton species living within the fjords of the west Antarctic Peninsula. Phytoplankton are microscopic, drifting plants that make up the foundation of the food system, supporting whales, seals, and penguins...

  7. Biodiversity Science project: Redmap

    Redmap (Range Extension Database and Mapping Project) is a citizen science project that invites members of the community to spot marine species that are outside of their usual range (or distribution) at various points around Australia. In collecting this information Redmap is generating a database of “out of range” sightings to assess which species are shifting their ranges and whether these shifts are consistent with warming waters...

  8. Biodiversity Science project: Redmap

    Redmap (Range Extension Database and Mapping Project) is a citizen science project that invites members of the community to spot marine species that are outside of their usual range (or distribution) at various points around Australia. In collecting this information Redmap is generating a database of "out of range" sightings to assess which species are shifting their ranges and whether these shifts are consistent with warming waters...

  9. Biodiversity Science project: School of Ants

    School of Ants Australia aims to document the diversity, distribution and diet preferences of Australia’s dominant ground foraging ants; those ubiquitous little black ants that infiltrate homes, backyards, parks and schools. Uncover a world of ants at your own feet, in your backyard, school or park...

  10. Biodiversity Science project: School of Ants

    School of Ants Australia aims to document the diversity, distribution and diet preferences of Australia?s dominant ground foraging ants; those ubiquitous little black ants that infiltrate homes, backyards, parks and schools. Uncover a world of ants at your own feet, in your backyard, school or park...