Search for GOODENIA+SP.+(TORRENS+CREEK+E.J.THOMPSON +HUG754) returned 3 results.

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  • Section: Biodiversity Science project
  1. Biodiversity Science project: Port Adelaide Enfield Flora & Fauna Monitoring

    The "Port Adelaide Enfield Flora & Fauna Monitoring" project has been designed specifically to cater for Citizen Science Council volunteers wanting to undertake field bird and other fauna counts and photo monitoring activities at sites such as; Mangrove Cove, Coastal Dunes, Mutton Cove, Gillman and Dry Creek wetlands, Folland Park, Dry Creek, Torrens Linear Park and Roy Amer Reserve Wetlands...

  2. Biodiversity Science project: Breakout Creek BioBlitz 2016

    FREE event for all ages! Join in the fun at this free family event and discover the life of Breakout Creek! The event basecamp will be at West Torrens Baseball Club on Lockleys Oval (not far from Adelaide Airport), June 18th 2016. Discover Breakout Creek with our experts. There will be organised walks and talks. You will be able to observe, record and learn about the local flora and fauna. Or you can just drop by, there will be wildlife on display and plenty to do...

  3. Biodiversity Science project: Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist

    From birds to butterflies and everything in between, your biodiversity sightings can make a difference. Join our growing community of citizen naturalists from around the Green Mountain State in discovering and sharing observations of Vermont life. Your observations can be turned into research-grade, citizen science data that will help us discover, track and ultimately conserve our natural heritage. It started with a simple question...

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