Search for EUCALYPTUS+SP.+(COOINDA+D.F.BLAXELL +89/294) returned 4 results.

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  • Section: Biodiversity Science project
  1. Biodiversity Science project: Veteran and Significant Eucalypts Trees and Other Related Species of the Redlands

    This data will assist in providing options for land and vegetation management, protection and conservation, and community education. Trees greater than 900mm diameter are included so that they can be used as a reference in the future.

  2. Biodiversity Science project: Great Victorian Koala Count 2015

    Victoria and South Australia have large and thriving Koala populations, unlike Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory where Koala populations are in decline and are listed as vulnerable under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. In most areas of Victoria, Koala densities are naturally low (on average about one per hectare)...

  3. Biodiversity Science project: Bogies and Beyond . The Tree Storey . Growback or Dieback

    Landholders undertake to monitor trees twice a year for ten years They identify the species using a specific guide to eucalypts of the Strathbogie Ranges A Survey 123 ArcGIS smart phone app has be developed to submit data to GBCMA ...

  4. Biodiversity Science project: Wildlife corridors for the Scenic Rim

    We developed a plan in cooperation with the Scenic Rim Regional Council following surveys for squirrel gliders in the valleys (which have less Protected Areas than ou mountainous regions). Former environment officer, Keith McCosh recommended that in addition to establishing the corridors, we also consolidate the “hubs” (localities already relatively rich in wildlife) as secure squirrel glider habitat, by enhancing altered habitats within these with food trees or nest boxes as needed, ...

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