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  • Taxonomic rank: Section (Zoology)



Taxonomic status

  1. section zoology: Zygodon sect. Obtusifolii Malta (accepted name: Leratia)

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  5. section zoology: Jungermannia sect. Diplophyllum Dumort. (accepted name: Diplophyllum)

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  9. section zoology: Cryphidium sect. Cyptodon Broth. (accepted name: Cyptodon)

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  13. section zoology: Trichostomum sect. Leptodontium Müll.Hal. (accepted name: Leptodontium)

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  17. section zoology: Garovaglia sect. Cladomnion (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. (accepted name: Cladomnion)

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  21. section zoology: Arnium Echria N. Lundq. (accepted name: Echria (N. Lundq.) Kruys, Huhndorf & A.N. Mill.)

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  25. section zoology: Poa sect. Atropis Trin. (accepted name: Puccinellia)

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  29. section zoology: Jungermannia sect. Cephalozia Dumort.

    Kingdom: Plantae

  30. section zoology: Nothofagus sect. Sempervirentes Steenis

    Kingdom: Plantae

  31. section zoology: Podosphaera sect. Sphaerotheca (Lév.) de Bary

    Kingdom: Fungi