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  • Section: Species
  • Taxonomic rank: Section (Botany)
  1. section botany: Camptochaete sect. Camptochaete

    Kingdom: Plantae

  2. section botany: Sphagnum sect. Rigida (Lindb.) Limpr.

    Kingdom: Plantae

  3. section botany: Sphagnum sect. Subsecunda (Lindb.) Schimp.

    Kingdom: Plantae

  4. section botany: Camptochaete sect. Thamniella (Besch.) Broth.

    Kingdom: Plantae

  5. section botany: Sphagnum sect. Sphagnum

    Kingdom: Plantae

  6. section botany: Sphagnum sect. Cuspidata (Lindb.) Schimp.

    Kingdom: Plantae

  7. section botany: Radula sect. Scapania Dumort. (accepted name: Scapania)

  8. View images of species within this section botany
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  10. Homotypic Synonym
  11. section botany: Jungermannia sect. Diplophyllum Dumort. (accepted name: Diplophyllum)

  12. View images of species within this section botany
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  14. Homotypic Synonym
  15. section botany: Jungermannia sect. Colura Dumort. (accepted name: Colura)

  16. View images of species within this section botany
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  18. Synonym
  19. section botany: Pleuroschisma sect. Lepidozia Dumort. (accepted name: Lepidozia)

  20. View images of species within this section botany
  21. Record a sighting
  22. Homotypic Synonym