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  • Taxonomic rank: Genus
  • Taxonomic status: Pro-parte Synonym


  1. genus: Myroxylon J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. (pro-parte accepted name: Xylosma)

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  4. Pro-parte Synonym
  5. genus: Cryphiacanthus Nees (pro-parte accepted name: Ruellia)

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  8. Pro-parte Synonym
  9. genus: Epacris J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. (pro-parte accepted name: Leptecophylla)

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  12. Pro-parte Synonym
  13. genus: Laurencia F.Muell. (pro-parte accepted name: Lobelia)

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  16. Pro-parte Synonym
  17. genus: Gossampinus Schott & Endl. (pro-parte accepted name: Ceiba)

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  20. Pro-parte Synonym
  21. genus: Eurybiopsis DC. (pro-parte accepted name: Vittadinia)

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  24. Pro-parte Synonym
  25. genus: Niebuhria Neck. (pro-parte accepted name: Wollastonia)

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  28. Pro-parte Synonym
  29. genus: Agropyron Gaertn. (pro-parte accepted name: Thinopyrum)

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  32. Pro-parte Synonym
  33. genus: Shawia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. (pro-parte accepted name: Olearia)

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  36. Pro-parte Synonym
  37. genus: Ecbolium Kuntze (pro-parte accepted name: Justicia)

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  40. Pro-parte Synonym